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Roof Shingles


How to know when it is time to replace your roof can be a tough question to answer for the average homeowner. There are many factors to consider when trying to decide if now is the right time to have the roof replaced. Once main factor is the type of roofing system that is installed and the age. We'll give you 3 reasons why it may be time to replace your roof if your roof is an asphalt shingle.

1. Multiple leaks are occurring as a result of the roof

When roof leaks are occurring in multiple areas of the roof, this typically indicates that the roof may be at the end of its life. Once the roof has deteriorated to the point that the shingles have lost a significant amount of granules, the asphalt base is compromised and could be allowing water to saturate through the shingle causing interior leaking.

2. You notice an abnormal amount of shingle granules in your gutters or near downspouts

An asphalt shingle undergoes a series of cycles when granules are lost. From day one, an asphalt shingle will begin to lose it's granules, which are the protective layer for the asphalt on the shingle. Loose granules will also be shed over the first few months and rains when a roof is newly installed and should be considered normal. The next stage of the life cycle, the shingle will loose a very minimal amount of granules for an extended period of time. This may vary as changes in seasons, ventilation and manufacturing issues can impact how fast a shingle will loose granules. A good way to monitor this is by checking your gutters and noting how much granule loss is occurring at a yearly rate. Generally speaking, a 3 tab 25 year shingle should last anywhere from 15-18 years. An architectural standard weight shingle should last anywhere from 18-20 years.

3. Your roof has sustained a major hail storm

Hail storms are devastating for a roof. Hail, if large enough, can puncture the roof surface causing functional damage to the shingle resulting in failure of the shingle. This can lead to small leaks which may go unnoticed and cause damage to the wood sheathing. Hail can also cause granules to be dislodged at a faster rate which can lessen the overall life expectancy of the shingle. Hail damages shingles in many different ways depending on the age of the shingle as well. A new roof may be more hail resistant that an older roof therefore knowing the size and density of the hail can help you determine how much damage has been caused if any. For example, a smaller sized hailstone the size of a pea will rarely cause damage to an asphalt shingle whereas a hailstone the size of a quarter can cause a significant amount of damage and a roofing professional should evaluate to determine the extent of the damage. Be sure to screen your roofing professional to determine the experience level of the roof inspector to ensure an accurate evaluation. If it is determined that the roof has sustained major damage, you should contact your insurance carrier immediately as there may be coverage for the hail damage to the roof.

What to look for as a homeowner after a hail storm. Things to look for after a large storm would be dents on your gutters, downspouts and other soft metals like an aluminum garage door. Another item to look at would be your vehicle. Your vehicle has much thicker steel components vs your home and if damage has been found to your vehicle, there is a good chance that the hail may have been large enough to cause significant damage to the roof shingles.

If you feel your roof has sustained a hail storm, have the experts at Contour Roofing give you a free roof evaluation.

Significant hail damage after storm

Photo of a large hailstone

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